Jordan Media City
Amman on 05/21/2024 Jordan Media City Company Honored in Jordan
Forum for Media and Digital Communication as the First Private Media
The Forum, which was held to celebrate the silver jubilee of His Majesty King Abdullah II assuming his constitutional powers, His Majesty accession to the throne, and the seventy-eighth anniversary of the Kingdom independence, discusses the issues and challenges facing the Arab media industry, and provides innovative solutions to enhance professional ethics and media freedom, and keep pace with developments in the field of media and digital communication.
An exhibition was held within the Forum in which many Arab and local channels and leading companies in the digital transformation of media participate.
To see Photos : Click Here
April 03, 2024 JMC Donation to Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization
To watch the video, press on the link :
April 1, 2024 Jordan Media City has launched Amman TV OTT Services
This innovative platform is designed to cater to the evolving demands of viewers, offering a rich blend of content that ranges from live broadcasting to an extensive Video on Demand (VOD) library, including beloved series, shows, and much more.
The newly introduced platform features Five Fast TV channels ( Comedy , Kitchen ,.) , alongside the live stream of Amman TV, ensuring that audiences have access to a diverse selection of content at their fingertips, anytime, anywhere. This move not only expands Amman TV's reach but also enhances viewer engagement by providing a seamless, high-quality viewing experience across various devices.
JMC's commitment to leveraging the latest technology and its dedication to content excellence are evident in this launch. The VOD library is a treasure trove for enthusiasts of Arabic series, talk shows, documentaries, and entertainment programs, meticulously curated to cater to the tastes and preferences of a wide audience.
January 08, 2023 World Teleport Association published the Top Operator ranking for 2022
1- The Global Top 20 - Teleport
2- The Independent Top 10
March 1, 2022 Launching of Digital Broadcasting Services for Jordan Radio & TV Platform ( JRTV.GOV.JO )
It contributes with playing the live streaming of the content on various operating systems for smart screens and smartphone applications for both Android and iPhone systems.
Among the other services provided by the Jordan Media City to Jordan Radio & TV:
- Contribution in the management and development of the content in order for it to appear and present it with the best quality and a clear image for the viewer.
- Contribution with the operation and broadcasting of all kinds of the content for Jordan Radio & TV, so that the viewer can watch it at any time.
- Easily follow for various programs, series, and the latest local and international news.
- Broadcasting sports tournaments and fun programs in a clear and accurate way for the viewer.
- Keeping abreast of updates to the website and constantly adding new and diverse content to the online platform.
- Contribution to the development and updating of the website continuously.
- Contribution to the preservation of old content by re-broadcasting it again through the electronic platform or via JRTV mobile apps.
to watch, please visit : JRTV.GOV.JO
to see photos : Click here
December 13, 2021 the Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Amman Aidarbek Toumatov visited the headquarters of Jordan Media City (JMC)
During the meeting CEO of JMC Radi Alkhas informed the diplomat about the activities of the company, which currently transmits over 300 local and foreign TV and radio channels.
Prospects for establishing mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation in the field of telecommunications, digital technologies and the media industry were discussed at the meeting.
September 15, 2021 Jordan Media City installed a New LTO 8 Archive System
1.2 PB of LTO 8 data storage on the new library added to our Archive solution which include also 1.375 PB of LTO 6 data storage on the existing library.
Both libraries are managed by Diva management software under Marina Pebble Automation System.
MAY 19, 2020 Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel , Chairman and Founder of
the Dallah Albaraka Group & Founder of Arab Radio and Television
Network (ART) & Jordan Media City
In addition to being chairman and member of many boards within his companies and sister companies, Kamel served on the boards of trustees and directors in many social, charitable and cultural societies and foundations such as the Arab Thought Foundation, King Abdul Aziz and His Companions Foundation for Gifted.
March 31, 2020 Jordan Media City upgrades playout with Pebble Marina automation
August, 29 2019 Jordan Media City upgrades studios with Strand LED lighting systems
Television production facility Jordan Media City (JMC) has revamped its studios with LED lighting systems from Strand, a Signify entertainment lighting brand.
July 1,2019 LED Studio Lighting
Studio Lighting is being converted into LED by the 1st Of July, 2019
Al Mamlaka airs live on 16th-JULY-2018 to be Jordan's first 24 hour news channel
Independent Media Station has joined Jordan Media City DTH Platform
over Nilesat and Arabsat with 8 Mbps HD signal on both satellites and 4
Mbps SD Signal on Nilesat platform in addition to JMC OTT TV platform.
it is an advanced and qualitative leap for Jordan's TV sector as a
public news channel called ALMAMLAKA TV (Kingdom TV).MAY 27,2018 Extended Technical Monitoring Contract with GlobeCast & YAHSAT
The Technical Monitoring Contract had been extended for five years and the number of monitored channels will be 600 TV Channels transmitted over Six YAHSAT Satellites.27/05/2018: Ramadan Iftar for JMC Employees
A Ramadan Iftar will be held on Tuesday the 05th of June, 2018 at JMC new Cafeteria in AMC Building.05/03/2017: Najm Al Urdon
on 3rd March as ROYA TV started third season of the signing talent production of the popular show (Najem AL Urdon). The First HD Production at JMC with 8 HD cameras
17/11/2014: JMC Hosted the Anti-Piracy Coalition 3rd Meeting in Amman on November 17, 2014 in Amman.
The coalition committee consist of TV Channels: ART, MBC, Rotana, OSN, Media Gaes, Production companies and Films and series owners such as IAA, Eagle Films, WWE. Also, Satellites operators: Nilesat, Arabsat, Noorsat, Eutelsat, Gulfsat.
The Committee discussed the latest technology to capture piracy and coordination between members to stop transmission if any.
July 1,2019
Studio Lighting is being converted into LED by the 1st Of July, 2019
Latest News
MYSAT GO now broadcasts 83 Arabic Live TV channels, with Interactive Program guide, 8 hours Time shifting, Catchup TV Service with 30 days, VOD for ART Arabic movies
Studio Lighting of one of the studios had been upgraded into LED in 2019, and will upgrade the rest of the studios by Year 2024
Jordan Media City
Building No. 41 - Al Sakhrah Almusharafah St. , Um AL-Heeran / Amman - Jordan
Tel: (+962) 6 5502700
Fax: (+962) 6 5502710
P.O.Box : 110024 Amman 11110 Jordan