Jordan Media City
Playout System
Standard-definition video Playout (SDTV or SD):
JMC provide playout solution based on SDTV uses Harris servers and Neptune Pebble Beach automation managed by JMC, also SD Remote playout controlled by the client available at JMC.
High-definition video Playout (HDTV or HD)
HD playout solution implemented by the latest Technology in the market, using Imagine communication video servers, Marina Pebble Beach automation , IBM TS4500 Library and Oracle Divaarchive MAM system.
Located on a 40,000M2 land area, Jordan Media City has a number of earth stations for reception and retransmission from Asian and European satellites to Intelsat 17, ARABSAT (5A), Arabsat BADR8, ASIASAT (5C), ASIASAT (3S), Hotbird, NILESAT 201, YAHSAT, W3A, MEASAT, TURKSAT, W1, NSS12, E3B, W7, HELLASAT, PAKSAT, W6, SEASAT, YAMAL, SERIES, AB, ChinaSat 12, Eutelsat W7A, Monocosat.
The premises also contains two 600M2 fully-equipped production studios, with their own control rooms, dressing rooms, HD cameras, lighting and sound halls, scenery sets, a workshop, storage halls, equipment maintenance area, and spare parts stores as well as Two 70M2 studio for interviews. The complex also has a number of Editing and graphic suit using the state of art equipment.
Latest News
MYSAT GO now broadcasts 83 Arabic Live TV channels, with Interactive Program guide, 8 hours Time shifting, Catchup TV Service with 30 days, VOD for ART Arabic movies
Studio Lighting of one of the studios had been upgraded into LED in 2019, and will upgrade the rest of the studios by Year 2024
Jordan Media City
Building No. 41 - Al Sakhrah Almusharafah St. , Um AL-Heeran / Amman - Jordan
Tel: (+962) 6 5502700
Fax: (+962) 6 5502710
P.O.Box : 110024 Amman 11110 Jordan